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DBT runtime

The DBT runtime allows you to run DBT transformations on your data. It is a wrapper around the DBT CLI tool. The runtime introduces a function of kind dbt and a task of kind transform.


Python version and libraries:

  • python >= 3.9
  • digitalhub-runtime-dbt

The package is available on PyPI:

python -m pip install digitalhub-runtime-dbt # for remote execution only
python -m pip install digitalhub-runtime-dbt[local] # for local execution


With the DBT runtime you can use the function's run() method to execute a DBT query you have defined. The DBT runtime execution workflow follows roughly these steps:

  1. The runtime fetches the input dataitems by downloading them locally. The runtime tries to get the file from the path attribute in the dataitem specification. At the moment, we support the following path types:
    • http(s)://<url>
    • s3://<bucket>/<path>
    • sql://<database>(/<schema-optional>)/<table>
    • <local-path>
  2. The runtime inserts the data into a temporary versioned table in the default postgres database. These tables are named <dataitem-name>_v<dataitem-id>, and will be deleted at the end of the execution.
  3. The runtime collect the source code of the DBT query and creates all the necessary DBT artifacts (profiles.yml, dbt_project.yml, etc.) and runs the DBT transformation.
  4. The runtime stores the output table into the default postgres database as result of the DBT execution. The table name is built from the outputs parameter. Then, the runtime creates a dataitem with the outputs name parameter and saves it into the Core backend. You can retrieve the dataitem with the run.outputs() method. In general, the output table versioned is named <dataitem-output-name>_v<dataitem-output-id> and is stored in the default postgres database passed to the runtime via env variable.


The DBT runtime introduces a function of kind dbt that allows you to execute sql dbt queries on your data.

Function parameters

Name Type Description Default
project str Project name. Required only if creating from library, otherwise MUST NOT be set
name str Name that identifies the object required
kind str Function kind required
uuid str ID of the object in form of UUID4 None
description str Description of the object None
labels list[str] List of labels None
embedded bool Flag to determine if object must be embedded in project True
code_src str URI pointer to source code None
code str Source code (plain text) None
base64 str Source code (base64 encoded) None
handler str Function entrypoint None
lang str Source code language (hint) None
Function kinds

The kind parameter must be:

  • dbt

Function example

import digitalhub as dh

project = dh.get_or_create_project("my_project")

sql = """
SELECT * FROM {{ ref("my_table") }}

dataitem = project.new_dataitem("my_dataitem", kind="table", path="path-to-some-data")

function = dh.new_function(


The DBT runtime introduces a task of kind transform that allows you to run a DBT transformation on your data. A Task is created with the run() method, so it's not managed directly by the user. The parameters for the task creation are passed directly to the run() method, and may vary depending on the kind of task.

Task parameters

Name Type Description Default Kind specific
action str Task action required
node_selector list[dict] Node selector None
volumes list[dict] List of volumes None
resources dict Resources restrictions None
affinity dict Affinity None
tolerations list[dict] Tolerations None
envs list[dict] Env variables None
secrets list[str] List of secret names None
profile str Profile template None
Task actions

Actions must be one of the following:

  • serve: to deploy a service

Task example

run =
    inputs={"my_table": my_dataitem.key},
    outputs={"output_table": "my_output_table"},


The Run object is, similar to the Task, created with the run() method. The run's parameters are passed alongside the task's ones.

Run parameters

Name Type Description Default
loacal_execution bool Flag to indicate if the run will be executed locally False
inputs dict Input entity key. None
outputs dict Outputs mapped. None
parameters dict Extra parameters for a function. None

Run example

run =
        "dataitem": dataitem.key
        "dataitem": "mapped-name",
        "label": "some-label"