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Project methods

The Project object comes with two sets of methods: CRUD methods and, according to the SDK digitalhub layer installed, entity specific CRUD methods.

CRUD methods

Crud methods are used to interact with the entity object in the backend or locally.

  • save(): Save or update the entity into the backend.
  • export(): Export the entity locally as yaml file.
  • refresh(): Refresh (read) the entity from the backend.


Save entity into backend.


Name Type Description Default
update bool

If True, the object will be updated.



Type Description

Entity saved.


Export object as a YAML file. If the objects are not embedded, the objects are exported as a YAML file.


Name Type Description Default
filename str

Name of the export YAML file. If not specified, the default value is used.



Type Description


Refresh object from backend.


Type Description

Project object.

Entity CRUD

The project acts as context for other entities as mentioned in the introduction. With a Project object, you can create, read, update and delete these entities. The methods exposed are basically the same as the CRUD entities, the only difference is that on the project object you omit the project name as parameter. The available methods and are:

  • new: create a new entity
  • log: create and upload an entity (only for artifacts, dataitems and models)
  • get: get an entity from backend
  • get_versions: get all version for a named entity
  • list: list entities related to the project
  • import: import an entity
  • update: update an entity
  • delete: delete an entity


Each digitalhub layer exposes CRUD handles different aspects of dataops and mlops. Here follows a list of the methods exposed by the Project class according to each layer. Please refer to the specific entity documentation for more information.

Core layer

The entity handled by the Project class in the core layer (digitalhub_core) are:

Data layer

The entity handled by the Project class in the data layer (digitalhub_data) are:

Ml layer

The entity handled by the Project class in the ml layer (digitalhub_ml) are: