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Dataitem kinds

At the moment, we support the following kinds:

  • table: represents a table

For each different kind, the Dataitem object has its own subclass with different spec and status attributes.


The table kind indicates that the dataitem is a generic table. It's usefull if you intend to manipulate the dataitem as a dataframe, infact it has some methods to do so. The default dataframe framework we use to represent a table as dataframe is pandas.

Table spec parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
path str Path of the dataitem, can be a local path or a remote path, a single filepath or a directory/partition. required
schema TableSchema Frictionless table schema None

Table methods

The table kind has the following additional methods:


Read dataitem file (csv or parquet) as a DataFrame from spec.path. It's possible to pass additional arguments to the this function. These keyword arguments will be passed to the DataFrame reader function such as pandas's read_csv or read_parquet.


Name Type Description Default
file_format str

Format of the file to read. By default, it will be inferred from the extension of the file.

engine str

Dataframe framework, by default pandas.

**kwargs dict

Keyword arguments passed to the read_df function.



Type Description



Write DataFrame as parquet/csv/table into dataitem spec.path. keyword arguments will be passed to the DataFrame reader function such as pandas's to_csv or to_parquet.


Name Type Description Default
df Any

DataFrame to write.

extension str

Extension of the file.

**kwargs dict

Keyword arguments passed to the write_df function.



Type Description

Path to the written dataframe.