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Expose service externally

Finally, we make the PostgREST service available externally. Access API Gateways on the left menu and click CREATE.

Fill the fields as follows:

  • Name: name of the gateway. This is merely an identifier for Kubernetes.
  • Service: select the one referring to the PostgREST service you created. Its name may be something like postgrest-my-postgrest. Port will automatically be filled.
  • Host: full domain name under which the service will be exposed. By default, it refers to the services subdomain. If your instance of the platform is found in the domain, this field's value could be
  • Path: Leave the default /.
  • Authentication: None.

Create APIGW

Save and the API gateway will be created. You can try a simple query like the following, even in your browser, to view its results (remember to change domain according to your case):