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Nefertem runtime

The Nefertem runtime allows you to run Nefertem validation, profiling or inference on your data. It is a wrapper around the Nefertem library. The runtime introduces a function of kind neferetm and four task of kind validate, profile, infer and metric.


Python libraries:

  • python >= 3.9
  • digitalhub
  • digitalhub-data-nefertem
  • Nefertem plugins available in the Nefertem repository

If you want to execute Nefertem tasks locally, you need to install digitalhub-core-nefertem package with local flag:

git clone
cd digitalhub-sdk
pip install core/ data/ ./
pip install data/modules/nefertem[local]


The Nefertem runtime introduces a function of kind neferetm that allows you to execute various tasks on your data.

Nefertem function parameters

When you create a function of kind neferetm, you need to specify the following mandatory parameters:

  • project: the project name with which the function is associated. Only if you do not use the project context to create the function, e.g. project.new_function().
  • name: the name of the function
  • kind: the kind of the function, must be neferetm

Optionally, you can specify the following parameters:

  • uuid: the uuid of the function (this is automatically generated if not provided). Must be a valid uuid v4.
  • description: the description of the function
  • labels: the labels of the function
  • git_source: the remote source of the function (git repository)
  • source_code: pointer to the source code of the function
  • constraints: the constraints of the function to be applied on the data. Valid only for validate tasks
  • error_report: the error report output format. Valid only for validate tasks
  • embedded: whether the function is embedded or not. If True, the function is embedded (all the details are expressed) in the project. If False, the function is not embedded in the project.

For example:

import digitalhub_core as dh

constraint = {
  'constraint': 'type',
  'field': 'field-name',
  'field_type': 'string',
  'name': 'check_country_string',
  'resources': ['ref-source'],
  'title': '',
  'type': 'const-type',
  'value': 'string',
  'weight': 5
function = dh.new_function(name="nefertem-function",


The Nefertem runtime introduces three tasks of kind validate, profile and infer that allows you to run a Nefertem validation, profiling or inference on your data.

Validate task parameters

When you want to execute a task of kind validate, you need to pass the following mandatory parameters to the function method run():

  • action: the action to perform. This must be validate.
  • framework: the Nefertem framework to be used.
  • inputs: the dictionary of nefertem resources referenced in the constraint mapped to some dataitem keys. The corresponding dataitem objects must be present in the backend, whether it's local or Core backend.

As optional, you can pass the following task parameters specific for remote execution:

  • node_selector: a list of node selectors. The runtime will select the nodes to which the task will be scheduled.
  • volumes: a list of volumes
  • resources: a map of resources (CPU, memory, GPU)
  • affinity: node affinity
  • tolerations: tolerations
  • env: environment variables to inject in the container
  • secrets: list of secrets to inject in the container
  • backoff_limit: the number of retries when a job fails.
  • schedule: the schedule of the job as a cron expression
  • replicas: the number of replicas of the deployment

As optional, you can pass the following task parameters specific for remote execution:

  • node_selector: a list of node selectors. The runtime will select the nodes to which the task will be scheduled.
  • volumes: a list of volumes
  • resources: a list of resources (CPU, memory, GPU)
  • labels: a list of labels to attach to kubernetes resources
  • affinity: node affinity
  • tolerations: tolerations
  • env: environment variables to inject in the container
  • secrets: list of secrets to inject in the container
  • backoff_limit: the number of retries when a job fails.
  • schedule: the schedule of the job as a cron expression
  • replicas: the number of replicas of the deployment

For example:

run ="validate",
                   inputs={"employees": di.key})

Profile task parameters

When you want to execute a task of kind profile, you need to pass the following mandatory parameters to the function method run():

  • action: the action to perform. This must be profile.
  • framework: the Nefertem framework to be used.
  • inputs: the dictionary of nefertem resources referenced mapped to some dataitem keys. The corresponding dataitem objects must be present in the backend, whether it's local or Core backend.

As optional, you can pass the following task parameters specific for remote execution:

  • node_selector: a list of node selectors. The runtime will select the nodes to which the task will be scheduled.
  • volumes: a list of volumes
  • resources: a map of resources (CPU, memory, GPU)
  • affinity: node affinity
  • tolerations: tolerations
  • env: environment variables to inject in the container
  • secrets: list of secrets to inject in the container
  • backoff_limit: the number of retries when a job fails.
  • schedule: the schedule of the job as a cron expression
  • replicas: the number of replicas of the deployment

As optional, you can pass the following task parameters specific for remote execution:

  • node_selector: a list of node selectors. The runtime will select the nodes to which the task will be scheduled.
  • volumes: a list of volumes
  • resources: a list of resources (CPU, memory, GPU)
  • labels: a list of labels to attach to kubernetes resources
  • affinity: node affinity
  • tolerations: tolerations
  • env: environment variables to inject in the container
  • secrets: list of secrets to inject in the container
  • backoff_limit: the number of retries when a job fails.
  • schedule: the schedule of the job as a cron expression
  • replicas: the number of replicas of the deployment

For example:

run ="profile",
                   inputs={"employees": di.key})

Infer task parameters

When you want to execute a task of kind infer, you need to pass the following mandatory parameters to the function method run():

  • action: the action to perform. This must be infer.
  • framework: the Nefertem framework to be used.
  • inputs: the dictionary of nefertem resources referenced mapped to some dataitem keys. The corresponding dataitem objects must be present in the backend, whether it's local or Core backend.

As optional, you can pass the following task parameters specific for remote execution:

  • node_selector: a list of node selectors. The runtime will select the nodes to which the task will be scheduled.
  • volumes: a list of volumes
  • resources: a map of resources (CPU, memory, GPU)
  • affinity: node affinity
  • tolerations: tolerations
  • env: environment variables to inject in the container
  • secrets: list of secrets to inject in the container
  • backoff_limit: the number of retries when a job fails.
  • schedule: the schedule of the job as a cron expression
  • replicas: the number of replicas of the deployment

As optional, you can pass the following task parameters specific for remote execution:

  • node_selector: a list of node selectors. The runtime will select the nodes to which the task will be scheduled.
  • volumes: a list of volumes
  • resources: a list of resources (CPU, memory, GPU)
  • labels: a list of labels to attach to kubernetes resources
  • affinity: node affinity
  • tolerations: tolerations
  • env: environment variables to inject in the container
  • secrets: list of secrets to inject in the container
  • backoff_limit: the number of retries when a job fails.
  • schedule: the schedule of the job as a cron expression
  • replicas: the number of replicas of the deployment

For example:

run ="infer",
                   inputs={"employees": di.key})

Runtime workflow

The Nefertem runtime execution workflow is the following:

  1. The runtime fetches the input dataitems by downloading them locally. The runtime tries to get the file from the path attribute. At the moment, we support the following path types:
    • http(s)://<url>
    • s3://<bucket>/<path>
    • sql://<database>(/<schema-optional>)/<table>
    • <local-path>
  2. The runtime creates a Nefertem DataResource from the input dataitem. The DataResource is a Nefertem object that represents the data to be validated, profiled, inferred or measured.
  3. The runtime then create a Nefertem run and execute it. The Nefertem run executes three methods based on the task, and produces a run_metadata report file:
  4. If the task is validate:
    • run.validate()
    • run.log_report() -> produces a NefertemReport
    • run.persist_report() -> produces one or more validation framework reports
  5. If the task is profile:
    • run.profile()
    • run.log_profile() -> produces a NefertemProfile
    • run.persist_profile() -> produces one or more profiling framework reports
  6. If the task is infer:
    • run.infer()
    • run.log_schema() -> produces a NefertemSchema
    • run.persist_schema() -> produces one or more inference framework reports
  7. The runtime then creates an Artifact object for each file produced by Nefertem and saves it into the Core backend. It then uploads all the files to the default s3 storage provided. You can collect the artifacts with the run.outputs() method. In general, the saving path is s3://<bucket-from-env>/<project-name>/artifacts/ntruns/<nefertem-run-uuid>/<file>.

Snippet example

import digitalhub as dh

# Get or create project
project = dh.get_or_create_project("project-nefertem")

# Create dataitem
url = ""
di = project.new_dataitem(name="employees",

# Create function
constraint = {
  'constraint': 'type',
  'field': 'SALARY',
  'field_type': 'number',
  'name': 'check_value_integer',
  'title': '',
  'resources': ['employees'],
  'type': 'frictionless',
  'value': 'number',
  'weight': 5
function = project.new_function(name="function-nefertem",

# Run validate task
run ="validate",
                   inputs={"employees": di.key})

# Refresh run