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Jupyter is a web-based environment for interactive computing, ideal for testing and prototyping. Some of its main features are:

  • Several programming languages supported: Python, R, Julia, C++, Scala...
  • Collaborative development environment
  • Mix code snippets with markdown-based documentation, charts and graphs

How to access

Jupyter may be launched from Coder, using its template. It will ask for the CPU cores, GB of memory and GB of disk space you wish to dedicate to it. Depending on the computation you need, lower values may turn out to be insufficient, but cores and memory may be changed even while the workspace is running. After launching it from Coder you can access Jupyter Notebook on jupyter-notebook UI (http://nodeipaddress:30040).

Writing a simple notebook

When you open Jupyter, the Launcher tab should appear, from which you can create a Python 3 notebook. Once clicked, you can already start writing code. Alternatively, you can also create a notebook by right-clicking within the File Browser to the left and choosing New Notebook.

Type some simple code, like print('Hello world!') and press Shift+Enter. Jupyter displays the result of the computation immediately under the code cell and creates a new one.

Jupyter image

You can change the type of a cell by clicking on the drop-down button (Code) at the top of your notebook. By choosing Markdown, you can alternate code and its documentation.
