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Create PostgREST service

We will go back to KRM to create a PostgREST service and expose the database's table via API.

Inspect users' secrets

We need some parameters to configure PostgREST. Similarly to what you did in the first stage of the scenario, go to Secrets on the left and look for the two secrets, belonging to the owner and reader users you created.

For the owner, you will need the Name of the secret. For the reader, you will need the content of the ROLE field.

Creating the PostgREST service

Click PostgREST Data Services on the left and then Create.

Fill the first few fields as follows:

  • Name: Anything you'd like, it's once again an identifier for Kubernetes.
  • Schema: public
  • Toggle on With existing DB user.
  • Existing DB user name: Value of ROLE in the owner's secret.

Under Connection, fill the fields as follows:

  • Secret name: Name of the owner's secret.

When you hit Save, the PostgREST instance will be launched.

Create PostgREST