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Collect the data

Create a new folder to store the function's code in:

new_folder = 'src'
if not os.path.exists(new_folder):

Define a function for downloading data as-is and persisting it in the data-lake:

%%writefile "src/"

import mlrun
import pandas as pd
import requests

def downloader(context, url: mlrun.DataItem):
    # read and rewrite to normalize and export as data
    df = url.as_df(format='csv',sep=";")
    return df

Register the function in MLRun:

project.set_function("src/", name="download-data", kind="job", image="mlrun/mlrun", handler="downloader")

Then, execute it (locally) as a test. Note that it may take a few minutes.

project.run_function("download-data", inputs={'url':URL}, local=True)

The result will be saved as an artifact in the data store, versioned and addressable with a unique key. By default, this key follows the format <function-name>-<handler>-<output>.

Write this key into a variable, so we can read the artifact:

DF_KEY = 'store://datasets/demo-etl/download-data-downloader_dataset'

Load the data item and then into a data frame:

di = mlrun.get_dataitem(DF_KEY)
df = di.as_df()

Run df.head() and, if it prints a few records, you can confirm that the data was properly stored. It's time to process this data.