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Digital Hub Core UI

The Digital Hub console is a front-end application backed by the Digital Hub Core API. It provides a management interface for the organization and operations over the Data Science Projects and the associated entities, such as:

  • functions of various runtimes (see the Functions and Runtimes section for details), as well as their executions (runs) grouped by the corresponding operations (tasks)
  • dataitems - structured Data Items managed by the project
  • artifacts - unstructured files related and maanged by the project
  • models - versioned ML Model artifacts with their metrics and metadata (see ML Models section for details)

When you access the console, you land to the project management page, where you can create or delete projects.

Create a Project

Start by clicking the CREATE A NEW PROJECT button.

Project list

Fill the form's properties. Coder buttons

Following the selection of a project, you can get an overview of the associated objects on its dashboard and manage them on their dedicated pages.


The console dashboard shows the resources that have been created with a series of cards and allows you to quickly access them. You can see the runs performed and their respective status, as well as artifacts, data items and functions. Coder buttons









ML Models





All entities operated by Core are versioned. When you view the details of an object, all of its versions are listed and browsable. Moreover, when you view a dataitem, its schema and data preview are available.

Running functions

The console can be used to create function runs. When you view a function, different operations are available depending on its kind (i.e., its runtime). For example, when you create a Nefertem function, you can then perform either validate, profile, infer or metric tasks providing the desired run configuration.