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Container runtime

The Container runtime allows you to deploy deployments, jobs and services on Kubernetes.


Python libraries:

  • python 3.9 or 3.10
  • digitalhub sdk

Install digitalhub sdk and collect digitalhub container modules:

pip install digitalhub
git clone
pip install digitalhub-sdk/core/modules/container/ --no-deps


The Container runtime introduces a function of kind container that allows you to deploy deployments, jobs and services on Kubernetes.

Container function parameters

When you create a function of kind container, you must specify the following mandatory parameters:

  • project: the project name with which the function is associated. Only if you do not use the project context to create the function, e.g. project.new_function().
  • name: the name of the function
  • kind: the kind of the function, must be container
  • image: the container image to deploy

Optionally, you can specify the following parameters:

  • uuid: the uuid of the function (this is automatically generated if not provided). Must be a valid uuid v4.
  • description: the description of the function
  • labels: the labels of the function
  • source_remote: the remote source of the function (git repository)
  • embedded: whether the function is embedded or not. If True, the function is embedded (all the details are expressed) in the project. If False, the function is not embedded in the project.
  • base_image: the base container image.
  • command: the command to run inside the container.
  • args: the arguments to pass to the entrypoint.

For example:

import digitalhub as dh

project = dh.get_or_create_project('my_project')
function = dh.new_function(


The Container runtime introduces three task's kinds:

  • job: to deploy a job
  • deploy: to deploy a deployment
  • serve: to deploy a service

Run and task parameters

When you want to execute a task, you must pass the following mandatory parameters to the function method run():

  • action: the action to perform. Can be job, deploy or serve.

As optional, you can pass the following task parameters specific for remote execution:

  • node_selector: a list of node selectors. The runtime will select the nodes to which the task will be scheduled.
  • volumes: a list of volumes
  • resources: a list of resources (CPU, memory, GPU)
  • labels: a list of labels to attach to kubernetes resources
  • affinity: node affinity
  • tolerations: tolerations
  • env: environment variables to inject in the container
  • secrets: list of secrets to inject in the container

For the serve action, you can also pass the following task parameters:

  • service_ports: a list of ports to expose
  • service_type: the type of service

For example:

run =


The Container runtime does not support local execution.

Snippet example

import digitalhub as dh

proj = dh.get_or_create_project("project-container")

# Run container
func_cont = proj.new_function(name="function-container",
run_cont ="job")

# Serve stremlit service
func_serve = proj.new_function(name="function-serve",
run_serve ="serve",
                           service_ports= [{"port": 8085, "target_port": 8501}],