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The dashboard is a central access point to reach a number of tools that are automatically run when the platform is installed. There are two types of tools: components and monitoring.

Dashboard image


  • MLRun, a framework for MLOps
  • MinIO, an S3-compatible object datalake
  • Nuclio, a platform for serverless functions
  • Kubeflow, a tool for ML workflows on Kubernetes


TODO - Monitoring features are work-in-progress.

  • K8S Infrastructure: deployed components and services
  • Resources: CPU, traffic, memory usage...
  • Application logs: Log data of components and services

How to access

Access your instance of Coder and, under the Workspaces tab, you should see digitalhub-dashboard already listed. Click on it and you will see its logs and, above them, a number of buttons. Click on dashboard.

If digital-dashboard isn't already there, you can create it by navigating to Templates and clicking Use template to the right of the dashboard entry.