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The python runtime allows you to run generic python function. The runtime introduces a function of kind python and three task of kind job, serve and build.


Python version and libraries:

  • python >= 3.9
  • digitalhub-runtime-python

The package is available on PyPI:

python -m pip install digitalhub-runtime-python


With the python runtime you can use the function's run() method to execute a python function you have defined. The python runtime execution workflow follows roughly these steps:

  1. Define somewhere a python function.
  2. Create a Function object in the platform and execute the function's run() method.
  3. The runtime collects the inputs specified in the function as SDK objects (Dataitem, Artifact, Model).
  4. It fetches the function source code and import the function handler.
  5. It composes the parameters for the handler function.
  6. It executes the function and map the outputs as SDK objects or as simple results.

Python function definition

You can declare a generic python function as usual with the def keyword. There are some restriction that must be applied when defining the function:

  1. The argument project is reserved. The runtime overrides the function parameters and assign to the project argument a Project object, used as SDK context. With the Project object you can manipulate entities like Artifact, Dataitem, etc. If you provide a project argument into the function and use it as a non Project object, you will probably get an error. If you define the project argument into your functions signature, you can use the project variable as Project object.
  2. The arguments context and events are reserved in remote execution. These arguments are reserved for nuclio context and events function parameters. If you define these arguments into your functions signature, you can use the context and events variables as nuclio context and events objects.
  3. If some arguments of the function refer to some SDK objects, they must be mapped inside the run's inputs parameter. Other arguments of the function can be mapped inside the run's parameter parameter. More on that on the Parameters composition section.
  4. You may or may not decorate your function with the @handler decorator you can import from the digitalhub_runtime_python package. If you decorate your function and return something, you need to map the outputs in the decorator and in the run's outputs parameter. More on that on the Parameters composition section.

Function definition example

from digitalhub_runtime_python import handler

# 1. Simple function that returns a string

def func1():
   return "hello world"

# 2. Decorated function that returns a string

# If you decorate your function and return something, you need to map the outputs
# in the decorator and in the run's `outputs` parameter
def func2():
   return "hello world"

# 3. Function with project argument
def func3(project):
   # allowed use of project variable

   # not allowed use of project variable
   project.some_method_not_from_sdk() # Probably there will be an error

# 4. Function with context and events arguments
def func4(context, events):
   # allowed use of context and events variables in remote execution"Some log")

# 5. Function with mixed input arguments
def func5(di: Dataitem, param1: str):
   # di refers to a Dataitem object, so it must be mapped
   # into runs inputs paramaters
   # param1 is a string, it must be mapped into runs input parameters

Parameters composition


To properly pass the parameters you need to your function, you must map them in the method. Ther are some rules you need to follow:

  • If you expect one of your arguments to be a Dataitem/Artifact/Model object, you need to explicit the reference to the object into the run's inputs parameter using the argument name as key and the object key as value.
# Define your function and declare di argument as Dataitem
def func(di: Dataitem):
   # do something with di

# Create a dataitem
sdk_dataitem = sdk.new_dataitem(...)

# Reference the di argument as key and the dataitem key as value{"di": sdk_dataitem.key})
  • Other function arguments must be mapped inside the run's parameter parameter.
# Define your function and declare di argument as Dataitem
def func(di: Dataitem, param1: str):
   # do something with di

# Create a dataitem
sdk_dataitem = sdk.new_dataitem(...)

# Reference the di argument as key and the dataitem key as value{"di": sdk_dataitem.key},
                 parameter={"param1": "some value"})


The outputs of the function must be mapped inside the run's outputs parameter if you return something and you decorate your function.

from digitalhub_runtime_python import handler

@handler(outputs=["result", "other_result"])
def func(di: Dataitem, param1: str):
   # do something with di
   return "some value", "some other value"{"di": sdk_dataitem.key},
                 parameter={"param1": "some value"},
                 outputs={"result": "named_result",
                          "other_result": "named_other_result"})


The python runtime introduces a function of kind python.

Function parameters

Name Type Description Default
project str Project name. Required only if creating from library, otherwise MUST NOT be set
name str Name that identifies the object required
kind str Function kind required
uuid str ID of the object in form of UUID4 None
description str Description of the object None
labels list[str] List of labels None
embedded bool Flag to determine if object must be embedded in project True
code_src str URI pointer to source code None
code str Source code (plain text) None
base64 str Source code (base64 encoded) None
handler str Function entrypoint None
init_function str Init function for remote nuclio execution None
python_version str Python version to use required
lang str Source code language (hint) None
image str Image where the function will be executed None
base_image str Base image used to build the image where the function will be executed None
requirements list Requirements list to be installed in the image where the function will be executed None
Function kinds

The kind parameter must be:

  • python
Python versions

The python runtime supports Python versions 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11, expressed respectively as:

  • PYTHON3_9
  • PYTHON3_10
  • PYTHON3_11
Init function

The init function is the entrypoint of the nuclio init function. It follows the same rules as the handler parameter. The init function must be defined in the source code and should follow the example 4 (event and context in signature).

Base image

The base image is a string that represents the image (name:tag) used to build the image where the function will be executed.


It is possible that the platform where you deploy a job after a build action with a root image will not work because of security policy. Please check with the cluster administrator what policy are in place.


Requirements are a list of str representing packages to be installed by pip in the image where the function will be executed.

requirements = ["numpy", 'pandas>1, <3', "scikit-learn==1.2.0"]

Function example

# From project ...

function = project.new_function(name="python-function",

# .. or from sdk

function = dh.new_function(project="my-project",


The python runtime introduces three tasks of kind job, serve and build that allows you to run a python function execution, serving a function as a service or build a docker image where the function is executed. A Task is created with the run() method, so it's not managed directly by the user. The parameters for the task creation are passed directly to the run() method, and may vary depending on the kind of task.

Task parameters

Name Type Description Default Kind specific
action str Task action required
node_selector list[dict] Node selector None
volumes list[dict] List of volumes None
resources dict Resources restrictions None
affinity dict Affinity None
tolerations list[dict] Tolerations None
envs list[dict] Env variables None
secrets list[str] List of secret names None
profile str Profile template None
backoff_limit int Backoff limit None job
replicas int Number of replicas None serve
service_type str Service type NodePort serve
instructions list[str] Build instructions to be executed as RUN instructions in Dockerfile None build
Task actions

Actions must be one of the following:

  • job
  • build
  • serve

List of str representing the instructions to be executed as RUN instructions in Dockerfile.

instructions = ["apt-get install -y git"]

Task example

run =
    instructions=["apt-get install -y git"]


The Run object is, similar to the Task, created with the run() method. The run's parameters are passed alongside the task's ones.

Run parameters

Name Type Description Default
loacal_execution bool Flag to indicate if the run will be executed locally False
inputs dict Input entity key. None
outputs dict Outputs mapped. None
parameters dict Extra parameters for a function. None

Run example

run =
        "dataitem": dataitem.key
        "dataitem": "mapped-name",
        "label": "some-label"

Run methods

Once the run is created, you can access some of its attributes and methods through the run object.

The modelserve runtime launches, in local execution, a local mlserver inference server. In remote execution, an inference (mlserve or kserve) server is deployed on Kubernetes as deployment and exposed as a service.

Remote execution

In case of remote execution, it takes a while for the service to be ready and notified to the client. You can use the refresh() method and access the status attribute of the run object. When the service is ready, you can see a service attribute in the status.


Once the service is ready, you can use the run.invoke() method to call the inference server. The invoke method accept requests.request parameters as kwargs. The url parameter is by default collected from the run object. In case you need to override it, you can use the url parameter.

json = {
    "some-func-param": data

run.invoke(method="POST", json=json)

Once the deployment service is ready, you can use the run.stop() method to stop the server.
