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Modelserve runtime

The Modelserve runtime allows you to deploy ML models on Kubernetes or locally.


Python version and libraries:

  • python >= 3.9
  • digitalhub-runtime-modelserve

The package is available on PyPI:

python -m pip install digitalhub-runtime-modelserve

The package comes with optional dependencies:

  • sklearn
  • mlflow

For installation of thw optional dependencies, you can use the following command:

python -m pip install digitalhub-runtime-modelserve[sklearn]
python -m pip install digitalhub-runtime-modelserve[mlflow]
python -m pip install digitalhub-runtime-modelserve[sklearn,mlflow]


The modelserve runtime introduces several functions of kind sklearnserve, mlflowserve, huggingfaceserve that allows you to serve different ML models flavours and a task of kind serve. The usage of the runtime is similar to the others:

  1. Create a Function object of the desired model and execute it's run() method.
  2. The runtime collects (if in remote execution), loads and exposes the model as a service.
  3. With the run's invoke() method you can call the v2 inference API specifying the json payload you want (passed as keyword arguments).
  4. You can stop the service with the run's stop() method.


There are different modelserve functions (sklearnserve, mlflowserve and huggingfaceserve), each one representing a different ML model flavour.

Function parameters

A modelserve function has the following spec parameters to pass to the new_function() method:

Name Type Description Default
project str Project name. Required only if creating from library, otherwise MUST NOT be set
name str Name that identifies the object required
kind str Function kind required
uuid str ID of the object in form of UUID4 None
description str Description of the object None
labels list[str] List of labels None
embedded bool Flag to determine if object must be embedded in project True
path str Path to the model files None
model_name str Name of the model None
image str Docker image where to serve the model None
Function kinds

The kind parameter must be one of the following:

  • sklearnserve
  • mlflowserve
  • huggingfaceserve
Model path

The model path is the path to the model files. In remote execution, the path is a remote s3 path (for example: s3://my-bucket/path-to-model). In local execution, the path is a local path (for example: ./my-path or my-path). According to the kind of modelserve function, the path must follow a specific pattern:

  • sklearnserve: s3://my-bucket/path-to-model/model.pkl or ./path-to-model/model.pkl. The remote path is the partition with the model file, the local path is the model file.
  • mlflowserve: s3://my-bucket/path-to-model-files or ./path-to-model-files. The remote path is the partition with all the model files, the local path is the folder containing the MLmodel file according to MLFlow specification.

Function example

# Example remote model mlflow

function = project.new_function(name="mlflow-serve-function",
                                path=model.spec.path + "model")

# Example local model mlflow

function = project.new_function(name="mlflow-serve-function",

# Example remote model sklearn

function = project.new_function(name="sklearn-serve-function",

# Example local model sklearn

function = project.new_function(name="sklearn-serve-function",


The modelserve runtime introduces one tasks of kind serve that allows you to deploy ML models on Kubernetes or locally. A Task is created with the run() method, so it's not managed directly by the user. The parameters for the task creation are passed directly to the run() method, and may vary depending on the kind of task.

Task parameters

Name Type Description Default
action str Task action required
node_selector list[dict] Node selector None
volumes list[dict] List of volumes None
resources dict Resources restrictions None
affinity dict Affinity None
tolerations list[dict] Tolerations None
envs list[dict] Env variables None
secrets list[str] List of secret names None
profile str Profile template None
replicas int Number of replicas None
service_type str Service type NodePort
Task actions

Actions must be one of the following:

  • serve: to deploy a service

Task example

run =


The Run object is, similar to the Task, created with the run() method. The run's parameters are passed alongside the task's ones.

Run parameters

Name Type Description Default
local_execution bool Flag to determine if the run must be executed locally False

Run example

run =

Run methods

Once the run is created, you can access some of its attributes and methods through the run object.

The modelserve runtime launches, in local execution, a local mlserver inference server. In remote execution, an inference (mlserve or kserve) server is deployed on Kubernetes as deployment and exposed as a service. These two inference servers adopt the V2 inference protocol.

Remote execution

In case of remote execution, it takes a while for the service to be ready and notified to the client. You can use the refresh() method and access the status attribute of the run object. When the service is ready, you can see a service attribute in the status.


Once the service is ready, you can use the run.invoke() method to call the inference server. In general, the invoke method accept requests.request parameters as kwargs. The url parameter is by default collected from the run object.

If you know the url of the inference server, or if you try to reach the inference endpoint from outside the cluster, or again if you want to see some metrics from the inference server, you can pass the url parameter directly to the invoke method. Data for inference must be passed in the json parameter. By default, the method parameter is set to POST.


In case you passed model_name in the function spec, and you execute the run in remote execution, you need to pass the model_name to the invoke method. This is because the model_name is used to identify the model in the inference server. "http://{url-from-k8s}/v2/models/{model_name}/infer".

data = [[...]] #some array
json = {
    "inputs": [
        "name": "input-0",
        "shape": [x, y],
        "datatype": "FP32",
        "data": data #data-array goes here


Once the inference server is ready, you can use the run.stop() method to stop the inference server.
