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In SDK there is two types of stores: Store and DataStore. The first one is used to store/collect files, the second one is used to store/collect dataframes. Every DataStore has a Store as parent. We support natively the following stores:

  • s3 for MinIO (default store)
  • local for local files
  • remote for remote http/https files
  • sql for PostgreSQL database tables

Entity paths

When declaring an Artifact, a Dataitem or a Model, you must specify a path parameter to declare where the files are stored. There are some rules to follow when specifying the path:

  1. The path parameter is as str.
  2. It can have a scheme declared in the beginning of the path.
  3. Based on the scheme, the SDK will create a Store object to interact with the files/tables in the path.
  4. The path can point to a single file, a directory, a partition or a table. See below for more details.

Supported path types

Local paths

A local path is declared by not providing a scheme. For example:

local_dir = "./my-path"
local_file = "./my-path/my-file.csv"

S3 paths

To declare an S3 path, you need to provide the scheme s3://. The first element of the path must be the bucket name and the second must be the key/partition. If you provide a partition path, you need to append a final / at the end. For example:

s3_path = "s3://my-bucket/my-key.file"
s3_partition_path = "s3://my-bucket/my-key/"

Remote paths

To declare a remote path, you need to provide the scheme http:// or https://. For example:

http_path = "http://my-url.csv"
https_path = "https://my-url.csv"

SQL paths

To declare a SQL path, you need to provide the scheme sql://. An SQL path will always point to a single table. The path is composed by three parts, delimited by /. The first part is the database name, the second (optional) is the schema and the third is the table name. For example:

sql_path = "sql://my-database/my-schema/my-table"