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Dataitem kinds

At the moment, we support the following kinds:

  • table: represents a table

For each different kind, the Dataitem object has its own subclass with different spec and status attributes.


The table kind indicates that the dataitem is a generic table. It's usefull if you intend to manipulate the dataitem as a dataframe, infact it has some methods to do so. The default dataframe framework we use to represent a table as dataframe is pandas.

Table spec parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
path str Path of the dataitem, can be a local path or a remote path, a single filepath or a directory/partition. required
schema TableSchema Frictionless table schema None

Table methods

The table kind has the following additional methods:


Read dataitem file (csv or parquet) as a DataFrame from spec.path. If the dataitem is not local, it will be downloaded to a temporary folder named tmp_dir in the project context folder. If clean_tmp_path is True, the temporary folder will be deleted after the method is executed. It's possible to pass additional arguments to the this function. These keyword arguments will be passed to the DataFrame reader function such as pandas's read_csv or read_parquet.


Name Type Description Default
file_format str

Format of the file. (Supported csv and parquet).

engine str

Dataframe framework, by default pandas.

clean_tmp_path bool

If True, the temporary folder will be deleted.

**kwargs dict

Keyword arguments passed to the read_df function.



Type Description



Write DataFrame as parquet/csv/table into dataitem spec.path. keyword arguments will be passed to the DataFrame reader function such as pandas's to_csv or to_parquet.


Name Type Description Default
df Any

DataFrame to write.

extension str

Extension of the file.

**kwargs dict

Keyword arguments passed to the write_df function.



Type Description

Path to the written dataframe.