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KRM - Custom views

In Kubernetes Resource Manager, it is possible to customize the pages for creating, listing, inspecting and editing custom resources of a specific kind. As it involves writing React code, and using the React-admin library, familiarity with these technologies may be required, depending on the desired level of customization.

Create a custom view

Create a new file, under frontend/src/resources, containing the name of the custom resource definition (CRD), in the format cr.<CRD>.ts. For example, if the CRD is, the filename will be

You are encouraged to use other files within the path as reference on how to write this file. You are expected to define 4 functions, one for each of these actions: Create, List, Show, Edit. Each would have this structure:

const CrCreate = () => { // example for Create
    return (

The body of the function will perform any kind of computation that your page may need, while the return segment will contain the form or datagrid to display.

Then, register these functions within a view and export it:

const CustomView: View = {
    key: '',
    name: 'My Resource',
    list: CrList,
    show: CrShow,
    create: CrCreate,
    edit: CrEdit,

export default CustomView;

Register the custom view

Once the custom view file is ready, you simply need to register it. Open frontend/src/App.tsx and import the view:

import crExample from './resources/';

Then, register it by adding a line to the customView structure:

const customViews: { [index: string]: View } = {
    '': crExample,