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Functions and Runtimes

Functions are the logical description of an executable. They are associated with a given runtime, which implements the actual execution and determines which are the actions available. Examples are dbt, nefertem, mlrun, etc.

Runtimes are the entities responsible for the actual execution of a given run. They are highly specialized components which can translate the representation of a given execution as expressed in the run into an actual execution operation performed via libraries, code, external tools etc.

Managing functions with SDK

In the following sections, we will see how to create, read, update and delete functions and what can be done with the Function object with the SDK.


You can manage the entity Function with the following methods:

  • new_function: create a new function
  • get_function: get a function
  • update_function: update a function
  • delete_function: delete a function
  • list_functions: list all functions

This is done in two ways. The first is through the SDK and the second is through the Project object. Example:

import digitalhub as dh

project = dh.get_or_create_project("my-project")

## From library
function = dh.new_function(project="my-project",

## From project
function = project.new_function(name="my-function",


To create a function you can use the new_function() method.

The mandatory parameters are:

  • project: the project in which the function will be created
  • name: the name of the function
  • kind: the kind of the function

The the optional parameters are:

  • uuid: the uuid of the function (this is automatically generated if not provided). Must be a valid uuid v4.
  • description: the description of the function
  • labels: the labels of the function
  • git_source: the remote source of the function
  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the spec constructor


function = dh.new_function(project="my-project",


To read a function you can use the get_function() or import_function() methods. The first one searches for the function into the backend, the second one load it from a local yaml.


The mandatory parameters are:

  • project: the project in which the function will be created

The optional parameters are:

  • entity_name: to use the name of the function as identifier. It returns the latest version of the function
  • entity_id: to use the uuid of the function as identifier. It returns the specified version of the function
  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the client that comunicate with the backend


function = dh.get_function(project="my-project",

function = dh.get_function(project="my-project",

The mandatory parameters are:

  • file: file path to the function yaml


function = dh.import_function(file="my-function.yaml")


To update a function you can use the update_function() method.

The mandatory parameters are:

  • function: the function object to update

The the optional parameters are:

  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the client that comunicate with the backend


function = dh.update_function(function=function,


To delete a function you can use the delete_function() method.

The mandatory parameters are:

  • project: the project in which the function will be created

The optional parameters are:

  • entity_name: to use the name of the function as identifier
  • entity_id: to use the uuid of the function as identifier
  • delete_all_versions: if True, all versions of the function will be deleted. Its mutually exclusive with the entity_id parameter
  • cascade: if True, all Task and Run objects associated with the function will be deleted
  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the client that comunicate with the backend


function = dh.delete_function(project="my-project",


To list all functions you can use the list_functions() method.

The mandatory parameters are:

  • project: the project in which the function will be created

The optional parameters are:

  • kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the client that comunicate with the backend


functions = dh.list_functions(project="my-project")

Function object

The Function object represents an executable function. The object exposes methods for saving and exporting the entity function into backend or locally as yaml and to execute it.


To save a function into the backend you can use the save() method.

The method accepts the following optional parameters:

  • update: a boolean value, if True the function will be updated on the backend



To export a function as yaml you can use the export() method.

The method accepts the following optional parameters:

  • filename: the name of the file to export




To run a function you can use the run() method. This method is a shortcut for:

  • creating a Task object
  • creating a Run object
  • executing the Run object

The method accepts the following mandatory parameters:

  • action: the action to be executed. The possible values for this parameter depends on the kind of the function. See the runtimes section for more information.

The optional task parameters are as follows. For Kuberenetes:

  • node_selector: a list of node selectors. The runtime will select the nodes to which the task will be scheduled.
  • volumes: a list of volumes
  • resources: a map of resources (CPU, memory, GPU)
  • affinity: node affinity
  • tolerations: tolerations
  • env: environment variables to inject in the container
  • secrets: list of secrets to inject in the container
  • backoff_limit: the number of retries when a job fails.
  • schedule: the schedule of the job as a cron expression
  • replicas: the number of replicas of the deployment

For runtime specific task parameters, see the runtime documentation.

The optional run parameters are:

  • inputs: a list of map inputs
  • outputs: a list of map outputs
  • parameters: a map of parameters
  • values: a list of values
  • local_execution: if True, the function will be executed locally


run =
    inputs=[{"input-param": "input-value"}],
    outputs=[{"output-param": "output-value"}]