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A project in MLRun is a container for everything (code, assets, configuration, ...) that concerns an application.

Often, they have a structure like this:

my-project           # Parent directory of the project (context)
├── data             # Data for local tests
├── docs             # Documentation
├── src              # Source code (functions, libs, workflows)
├── tests            # Unit tests (pytest) for functions
├── project.yaml     # MLRun project spec file
├──        # README file
└── requirements.txt # Default Python requirements file

Projects may be created and managed from the UI, but also by using MLRun's API. Here we look briefly at how to do it from a Jupyter Python notebook. Access your Jupyter instance and create a new notebook.

Import the mlrun library:

import mlrun


A new project is created with new_project: the only required fields are name (my-project) and context (./), which is where project files will be stored; user_project indicates the project's name should be unique per user, while init_git initializes git in the context directory.

project = mlrun.new_project("my-project", "./", user_project=True, 
                            init_git=True, description="my new project")

You can check in the interface that the project has been created: go to Coder, access the dashboard and, from the Components section, open the MLRun Dashboard.


You can load a project with load_project, by indicating its context:

project = mlrun.load_project("./")

Or clone it from a repository:

project = load_project(name="my-project",

With get_or_create_project you can create a project or, if it already exists, load it into the project variable:

project = mlrun.get_or_create_project("my-project", "./")


TODO - documentation mentions mlrun.db.delete_project, but this method seems to be missing: AttributeError: module 'mlrun.db' has no attribute 'delete_project'
