Embracing the complete lifecycle of ML models, from data preparation and training to experiments-tracking and model-serving
The DigitalHub is an open-source platform offering a flexible, fully integrated environment for the development and deployment of full-scale data- and ML- solutions, with unified management and security. It integrates various software components for managing, processing and exposing data and services via common standards.
The Digital Hub platform is developed and maintained by Co-Innovation Lab, a joint initiative of Dedagroup and Fondazione Bruno Kessler dedicated to developing standards and best practices for availability and interoperability of data and services and to develop new-generation digital applications.
Want to know more? Check out the repository or documentation!
Software Engineer, DSLab, FBK
Software Engineer, Dedagroup spa
Software Developer, DSLab, FBK
Software Developer, DSLab, FBK
DevOps, DSLab, FBK
DevOps, DSLab, FBK
Software Engineer, DSLab, FBK
Software Engineer, DSLab, FBK
Data Scientist, DSLab, FBK
Software Architect, DSLab, FBK
Software Architect, DSLab, FBK
Software Engineer, Dedagroup spa
Software Engineer, DSLab, FBK